Do more with Tovuti LMS integrations

Integrate with Almost Anything!
Click & integrate with Zapier, native integrations, and our open API.
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Native Integrations
Native integrations allow you to connect Tovuti with these leading platforms in just a few clicks! Yes, it’s really that easy.
BambooHR is a complete HR software that handles everything from hiring to payroll, benefits, ongoing HR-related activities, and retirement.
$99 Setup/ $99 month

Workday is a cloud-based software that specializes in human capital management, enterprise resource management, and financial management applications.
$99 Setup/ $99 month

Salesforce is an integrated customer relationship management platform that helps organizations close more deals and wow customers with amazing service.
$99 Setup/ $99 month
Custom integrations
Need a more complex integration? Chances are our team can handle it. Click the button below to talk with one of our team members to see what’s possible!